Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Days 116 and 117, Plus a Tornado!

The lovely Sally W sent me this amazing picture that a Sam's Club customer took a while back:

I'm petrified of tornadoes. They definitely top my list of least-favorite weather events, right above ice storms.

Thanks, Sally!

Now for something totally pastoral...This pic shows a relatively quiet moment, but the birds were mostly crazy at the feeders this weekend. It's warmed a bit since, and I'm hoping they've found water. I'm jonesing for a heated bird bath, now. Can anyone recommend one?

Day 116:

Am I a Good Witch? Or a Bad Witch? My Christmas gift from Pom. (No comment on her comment!)

White Stag cardi: $12; George turtle: $10; Nine West Jeans (sam's): $17; Necklace: $8; Earrings: $35
Total: $82

Day 117:

I wasn't looking so good. I bought a bright pink sweater that's the same style as the last post's broccoli sweater. Take my word for it--It was warm. That's all.

But I was wearing my practical, new Earth Spirit All-Weather hiking boots with rugged soles. So cute. I felt like I was sixteen again.


Boots: $35

Stay warm!


  1. Wow, that is a nifty tornado picture! I only like them in photos, they're very beautiful. I don't want to meet one in person, ever, tho.

  2. Haha I HAVE those boots! They are surprisingly warm, aren't they? I bought them years ago to go hiking with my Mums for her nature photography. AND now I've been living all the way down HERE for the past four years. I'm praying I get to move closer soon, I miss using those boots.

  3. awww, you know you're a good witch, Laura. :)

    I'm glad you enjoyed the picture. Not an experience I'm anxious to repeat, but we were lucky it didn't go ahead and touch ground.

    LOVE the boots. I had cold feet all day, maybe I need to look for a pair of those.
