Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 55: 310 Days Left (But Who's Counting?)

Notes from my Kirkwood, MO Walmart trip:

First, I have the most patient husband ever! He wasn't feeling well, but after he was done pondering electronics and procuring us some 70% cocoa chocolate, he actually came and sat down and waited for me on the bench outside the waiting room. It was so nice to have him there because, really, I haven't encountered anyone yet at WM while I'm trying on clothes who seemed like they had the time or inclination to give me their opinion on the stuff I was trying on. I, on the other hand, am always opening my mouth if someone comes out of a dressing room wearing something very flattering, and volunteer my opinion whether they ask for it or not. Most women have excellent radar about whether someone else is looking for an honest opinion or is just looking for support. P is just plain honest with me. He even encouraged me to try on an outfit that I thought was way over the top. And it looked much better than I thought it would, so we bought it!

One thing I've noticed: Each Walmart store appears to exist in a vacuum. When it comes to brands, no one at any given store seems to have any idea about what's available at other stores in the area. This makes sense, I guess, given the volume of merchandise each person has to handle. The Kirkwood store is no exception.

Loved, loved, loved the women working in the ladies' apparel department. One of them did frequently offer me her opinion. "Don't forget," she said. "I haven't always been at Walmart. I worked at ____ Department Store for a lot of years." I confess that that did give me a little more confidence in her comments. She also called over a manager to help me get a couple dollars off of a shirt I wanted to buy that had some places where it looked like it got run over by a cart (very washable). She apologized that she could only get $1.50 off and not $2 because it was already marked down.

Last thing: One nice lady asked me my opinion on matching a particular ruffled blouse to a plaid blazer. I showed her some other choices to consider. The ruffles with the plaid would have been--I don't know--just a tad too fabulous.

Photos as I work all the goodies into the rotation.

What I wore:

Sunday was the Longest Day Ever! I'd hope to get some atmosphere-rich backgrounds at the Missouri Botanical Gardens, but it was not to be. So here's a shot I took when we got home. If I look grim, it's because I was tired, tired, tired and had just discovered that the squirrel had eaten all the birds' seed.

George black blouse: $3 (marked down from $12); Faded Glory jeans: $15; Earth Spirit black leather shoes: $30; That Damned Necklace: $7; Earrings: $7; Scarf: $5  (I packed light--wore the same jewelry that I had on on Saturday.) Total: $67

Need to plant some bulbs today because the mulch is coming. Hope you have something fun planned. Have a delicious fall day!

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